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What's New? last updated 22 May 2002
What's New? Check here for quarterly updates of Trust funded research
Hector's dolphin caught in gill net Help the North Island Hector's Dolphin

We need your help to protect the critically endangered Hector’s dolphin population off the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand. For more information and to learn how you can help click here.

Whale Watching at Kaikoura Whalewatch Kaikoura boat

The Department of Conservation is currently considering whether to grant more permits for watching sperm whales at Kaikoura. To find out how Trust research is involved click here.

location of Porpoise Bay, New Zealand New Marine Mammal Sanctuary Proposed

The Department of Conservation along with the local community are making plans for a new marine mammal sanctuary at Porpoise Bay. For more information click here.